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Avoid These Mistakes in Order to Make Simple, Delicious, Healing Bone Broth at Home

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You’ve likely heard the term “superfood” before..

Unfortunately the word has been wildly overused over the last 10 years as marketers try to make everything seem special.

Bone Broth is a TRUE superfood though. One of the most beneficial foods available to us on this earth!!

I would classify it as a superfood because of its incredible ability to help heal our gut & improve “gut health”.

You see, our gut lining is only one-cell layer thick and can be very easily damaged. Especially in this modern day of eating & all of the junk food out there.

Bone Broth is rich in collagen protein which is useful in repairing the gut lining.

Collagen - and thus bone broth - is high in an amino acid called ‘glycine’. Whereas the muscle meats we often eat like steak & chicken are high in an amino acid called ‘methionine’. Too much methionine intake can deplete glycine levels, therefore we need to be consuming more glycine rich foods such as bone broth!

Glycine promotes healthy sleep and assists in blood sugar regulation.

Beyond the incredible benefits bone broth has on our gut health, sleep & blood sugar, it also plays a key role in our skin, hair, nails & joint health! Now you see why I would consider this a TRUE superfood.

Bone Broth can be purchased at your local grocery store. But a few downsides to store bought bone broth.. It’s lower quality, doesn’t taste as good & costs much more per serving that homemade broth!

Making bone broth is a very simple process. Don’t be intimidated!! I’m very amateur when it comes to the kitchen, and even I am capable of making delicious bone broth.

That being said, people often make simple mistakes that throw off the entire batch.

Read further to avoid making these common mistakes & create the most delicious broth possible!

Mistake #1: Not Hitting the Correct Bone-to-Water Ratio

One of the biggest mistakes that I see people make when they make bone broth for the first time is they either have too much water & too little bones OR they have too little water & too much bone.

Too much water will lead to a very diluted batch of broth. This means that it contains very little collagen protein. It will have a very light & clear appearance to it. It’s mostly just water!

On the other hand, if you do not put enough water in then you will end up with a very thick batch of broth that’s tough to drink. We don’t want this either.

I recommend an Instant Pot for cooking bone broth. I have a six quart pot. Which equates to around 192oz. I fill it up about ½ way with bones. Then I'll fill it up just above the max fill line with water.

This ends up making around 115fl oz of bone broth. Not too watery, not too dense. But just perfect.

Once it’s fully refrigerated for a few hours it will turn into a gelatinous substance. This is totally normal. Once you pour a cup & microwave it, it will once again turn into a liquid.

Mistake #2: Not Roasting the Bones Before Slow Cooking

Roasting your bones before you throw them into the instant pot is not absolutely necessary, but will likely enhance the taste of your broth.

Roasted bones tend to create a richer, deeper flavor, so before you throw everything into the pot, place bones on a cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil and roast at 375 F for 15–20 minutes first. Then take the bones & all of the juices that may have come off during the baking process & dump them into the pot you’ll be cooking them in.

Mistake #3: Not Adding Apple Cider Vinegar

The next big mistake I see people make when it comes to making their own bone broth is leaving out one of the most important ingredients!!

I know this is a common mistake because I just realized recently how important it is. I wasn’t doing it until this past month and it wasn’t even included in the original ebook!!

Raw apple cider vinegar plays a key role in jump starting the breakdown of the bones to allow the collagen and nutrients to begin seeping out of the bones and into the water. The acid content of the ACV, in addition to the live enzymes found inside begin drawing nutrients from the bones before you even begin cooking.

It doesn’t take much ACV for this process. If you’re using a pot around the same size as mine, I recommend around 1-2 tbsp. Once you’ve placed your frozen bones in the pot, pour the ACV in, then fill up the pot with cold water (yes cold, instead of hot).

Let the pot sit for 30-45 minutes before beginning the cooking process. This will prevent the heat from killing off the live cultures and enzymes in the ACV before they can get to work on breaking down the bones.

You won’t taste the ACV in the broth, but as mentioned it will help increase the total collagen & nutrients in the finished product.

Mistake #4: Storing Improperly

Once the bone broth has been cooked thoroughly and strained out into a big pot, it’s time to store it for the week ahead!

You do NOT want to store your bone broth in a plastic container. EVER.

I encourage you to avoid plastic as often as possible when it comes to storing food. We use all glass tupperware containers for all of our food.

When we use plastic containers to store our food, we run the risk of having toxic chemicals seep into our food. Especially when we put hot food or liquid into a plastic container. Such as bone broth fresh out of the cooker.

In the free bone broth ebook that’s linked below you will find a link to the glass storage container that I use for my bone broth.

The next mistake that we want to avoid when it comes to the storage step of this process is not cooling down the broth quick enough.

Hot broth is a breeding ground for bacteria. And NOT the good bacteria that our guts feed off of. Quite the opposite. Rather, nasty bacteria that can make us very sick.

Once you’ve got the broth into the glass container, I recommend dropping a handful of ice cubes into the broth right away. Then place it into the refrigerator.

Ready to get started? Download the free bone broth guide!

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